Travel Tips

10 Tips for Traveling with Coworkers

Going on a business trip with your coworkers can be a great chance to get to know them better and grow professionally. But let's face it, sometimes traveling with a colleague is not all smooth sailing. From sorting out travel logistics to keeping work-life balance in check, here are some tips to make sure your next corporate adventure goes off without a hitch.
June 18, 2024
10 Tips for Traveling with Coworkers

Going on a business trip with your coworkers can be a great chance to get to know them better and grow professionally. But let's face it, sometimes traveling with a colleague is not all smooth sailing. From sorting out travel logistics to keeping work-life balance in check, here are some tips to make sure your next corporate adventure goes off without a hitch.

Plan Your Trip—Together

1. Coordinate Travel Arrangements: Start by aligning your flights or train schedules as much as possible. Consider leveraging services like Christopherson Business Travel for streamlined arrangements. While you don't have to sit together, traveling at similar times can simplify logistics like airport transfers and hotel check-ins.

2. Align Your Communication: Decide in advance which communication tools you'll use during the trip. Whether it's text, email, Slack, or WhatsApp groups, having a clear plan will keep everyone connected without overstepping personal boundaries.

3. Set Expectations—Now: Before you even pack your bags, talk with your travel companions about personal time and space. Are one of you expecting to spend more time with the other? Lessen those awkward moments by figuring out your ideal daily schedules so you’re better prepared all around.

Keep It Professional

4. Balance Work and Downtime: Before you head out on your trip, plan ahead so you can have a healthy balance between discussing work matters and allowing time for relaxation. Establish "work-free zones" during meals or sightseeing trips where conversation about projects is paused.

5. Practice Social Etiquette: Be mindful of your alcohol intake at business dinners and avoid engaging in conversations that could be deemed inappropriate in a professional setting. Even though you’re out of the office, remember that this is a work trip, so stay professional.

6. Share Spaces Respectfully: If you're sharing a hotel room with a coworker, establish some ground rules. Figure out sleep schedules, bathroom usage, and personal habits upfront. Are you a night owl or an early bird? Be respectful of the other person’s needs and communicate with them so they can do the same for you. Don’t forget to pack a pair of earplugs so you can get a good night’s sleep. Also, keep your personal items tidy to keep the shared space pleasant for everyone.

7. Choose Restaurants Wisely: When selecting a restaurant for a team meal, consider everyone's dietary preferences and restrictions. Look for places with a diverse menu that can accommodate a variety of needs. Don't forget to factor in budget constraints as well. A hotel concierge or online research ahead of time can help you find the best spots.

Prioritize Wellness

8. Encourage Good Habits: It's easy to get caught up in the hustle of work travel and forget about staying hydrated or eating healthy. Make it easier by bringing along a water bottle and encourage your coworkers to do the same. Packing some nutritious snacks to share during meetings or while navigating the conference floor can help keep all of you feeling energized and focused.

9. Incorporate Physical Activity: Finding time for exercise during a work trip can be challenging, but it's worth it for your overall well-being. Discuss with your coworkers ideas for fitting in some movement, whether it's a quick hotel room workout or exploring the city on foot during downtime. Prioritizing exercise will help you feel better and can also give you an opportunity to get to know coworkers better.

10. Make the Most of Downtime: Remember, it's okay to take breaks and recharge, even during a busy work trip. Schedule some downtime to explore local attractions or simply unwind outside of the conference center or hotel. Not only does this help maintain your mental well-being, but it also provides opportunities for meaningful conversations with your colleagues beyond work-related topics. Or if you need alone time, let your coworkers know and get some personal time in as needed.


While traveling for business poses its challenges, navigating a work trip with coworkers adds another layer of complexity. However, with careful planning and open communication, you can make a work trip with a colleague not only doable but enjoyable.

Remember, it's all about setting boundaries, being respectful, and finding that sweet spot between productivity and downtime. Figure out the logistics ahead of time so you can focus on the task at hand while also keeping misunderstandings to a minimum.

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